"The MLK You Don't Know" is a a vey insightful presentation looking at rare speeches and discussing little known facts about Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.
Dr. King was a real man, a real person.
One of the travesties of history is that we begin to make actual people into myths and legends. We strip away their human flaws, their imperfections so that they fit our view/ narrative.
When we do this we rob them of their relatability, depth, character and complexity. We turn their very interesting lives into a bland snapshots, boring tales that most people will forget or ignore.
One of the real problems with this is when our young people are fed a myth, when they are fed a fairy tale, they are denied the opportunity to learn from the victories and the mistakes of a great man. We rob them of a chance to make a real connection to someone so eloquent and brilliant and in turn, deny them a chance to see a similar brilliance and greatness in themselves.
Dr. King is one of the main people this has happened to over the years. A man who’s life is so rich and eventful has been narrowed down to 2 talking points:
Non-violence and
I Have A Dream
But Dr. King stood for so much more than that. He was a father, a son, a husband, and a humanitarian.